
Santai ujung minggu..

Saja2 menghabiskan masa ari Ahad.. bukan selalu..

sekali sekala ambik angin pas brekpes kat mamak..

Tgk2 orang joging.. tgk jerr..

Usha2 burung gagak.. arkkk..ark.. arkkk..

snap gambar hubby yg tgh control macho..

Release tensen seminggu keje.. kalau hari2 kan bagus..

Dedicated to Dahliah

This post is a special dedicate to my sis in law, who will be married on 28th Nov 2009.

Since I knew her, she’s a kind of nice person, funny and charming little girl.

She’s the sweetheart of the family, she’s my mum-in-law’s best friend. Her mum surely misses her a lot when she moves to new home after getting married.

Some photos taken during her engagement day around 2 years ago..

Model of the year..

Lord of the ring..

Who are those fat peoples here.. Oh My God..

To Dahliah and Hamdi, congratulation on your new life.. Be a good hubby and wife..


Sangat sibuk 3-4 hari ini. byk nak update pasal home deco / redesign.. tunggu le ada masa baru update ye. daaa...